Support – Compassionate Schools Project
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Over an 8-year period (2014-2022) Compassionate Schools Project (CSP) expenditures totaled $11.75 million, with $7.25 million spent on instruction and implementation in the schools, and $4.5 million on program evaluation.

The project has raised over $13M thanks to the extraordinary investments by private philanthropists, family foundations, and philanthropic organizations. The program and research are additionally supported by staff and resources from the University of Virginia and Jefferson County Public Schools.

CSP has been sustained in 18 of the original Jefferson County Public Schools, and 3 additional elementary schools in JCPS have joined in implementation. The ongoing program requires an annual investment of $550,000 for implementation, training, and support, and we always welcome new partnerships and gifts. Donations to support this important work are received by the University of Virginia and are fully tax-deductible. Gifts can be made directly or pledged over a number of years.

With related questions or to make a gift to the Compassionate Schools Project, please contact:

Kayti Sewell
Director of Advancement
Contemplative Sciences Center, UVA
Phone: 434-924-6025